Early Entry Discount for 2025 BCAPL World Championships Ends December 9

Early entry discount ends on Monday December 9, 2024. Final day to register is Monday January 20, 2025! Still unsure if you want to participate? Here’s some highlights for next year’s tournament:

New Divisions!
This year introduces new team divisions & 3 new singles divisions. The 8-Ball Teams Iron Division will be 5-player teams with a team rating limit of 2,000. The 9-Ball Teams Silver division will be 3-player teams with a team rating limit of 1,500.

​Previously, the 8-Ball Singles field of players was split into four (4) divisions, the Ladies 8-Ball Singles field of players was split into three (3) divisions, and the 9-Ball Singles field of players was split into three (3) divisions. This year, 8-Ball Singles will be split into five (5) divisions (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, & Iron), Ladies 8-Ball Singles will be split into four (4) divisions (Platinum, Gold, Silver, & Bronze), and 9-Ball Singles will be split into four (4) divisions (Platinum, Gold, Silver, & Bronze). This will help reduce the rating gaps within divisions, making them all more competitive.

CSI Group Play…all teams guaranteed at least 5 matches*
​​Going two-and-out, or being eliminated early, is a thing of the past! With the CSI Group Play format, all teams are guaranteed at least five matches.* Stage 1 is a group stage and Stage 2 is a single elimination final bracket. In Stage 1, teams are randomly drawn into five separate matches,* each typically consisting of 15 racks or 9 racks for Ladies 8-Ball Teams. The teams that perform the best advance to Stage 2. Visit the TEAMS section of the Player Guide for a full explanation of the CSI Group Play format. Also, read The CSI Group Play Format – A Comprehensive Guide for answers to common questions and misunderstandings regarding the format. *Excluding factors beyond the control of the BCA Pool League such as forfeits, drop-out teams, no-shows, byes, etc.

Format Change for Singles & Scotch Doubles Divisions
Everyone should have the opportunity to play in as many divisions as possible. To do that efficiently, it’s important to complete one division before the next one begins. The end of a double elimination bracket takes too much time to complete, causes match conflicts, delays, and frustration. For example, when there are only four people remaining, it can take eight more hours to complete. To accommodate the growth of the event and still provide everyone the opportunity to play in multiple divisions, the format of all singles and doubles divisions will be slightly modified. The format will be double elimination until the prize money rounds and a single elimination final bracket.

Second Chance Divisions
Second chance divisions are planned for Fairmatch 8-Ball Singles, 9-Ball Singles, 8-Ball Singles, and 8-Ball Teams. The start times, format, and other details will be announced at the event.

We anticipate more than 1,100 mini-tournaments to be held during the BCA Pool League World Championships. Many different formats may be offered such as handicapped, non-handicapped, 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball, etc.

Pro Events – Watch for Free
There will once again be exciting pro events held during the BCA Pool League World Championships and you will get to enjoy them in person for free in the Pro Arena.